N7WAH is in Cathalmet WA, USA, 98612
Our local training net is Monday at 1830 local time on the BeachNet system:
Nicolai: 444.500
Cathlamet: 444.300
Grays River (KM Mtn): 147.020
Our secondary frequency is 145.55 simplex.
This also is our local check-in frequency in an emergency.
N7WAH maintains three repeaters:
Cathlamet – 444.300, +5MHz, 118.8Hz
Nicolai – 444.500, +5MHz, 118.8Hz (Beachnet)
Nicolai (Packet) – 145.630MHz 1200b
Clatsop AuxCom maintains a repeater on Nicolai Mtn:
146.760, minus offset, 118.8Hz
We meet every Tuesday morning from 09:00 to 10:30 at the River Street meeting room in Cathlamet, except for the fifth Tuesday of months that have five Tuesdays. On those fifth Tuesdays, we conduct a firehall emergency communications test instead of our regular meeting.
Weekly Meeting via Zoom
You can join our weekly club meeting via Zoom by clicking the link below.
Meeting ID: 854 3512 9053
Passcode: ******
Club Info
Contact Us
Club Documents
Mailing Address
PO Box 124
Cathlamet, WA 98612
President: Steve K7SH
Vice President: Jim KG7WSQ
Treasurer: Bill JK7KMP
Secretary: Bob WB6AGE
Committees and Chair
Field Day: Open
Education: Ron W7ERY
School: Open
AEC: Steve K7SH
Repeaters and Trustee: Gordon WA6TTR
New Members: Steve K7SH
Website: Steve W7WOG
Monday Night Net: Jim WG7WSQ
ARRL VE Liaison: Ron W7ERY
Meeting Location
We neet at the River Street Meeting room at 25 River Street, Cathlamet, WA. Click the Box in the upper right hand corner of this map to zoom!
Wahkiakum EOC
Cathlamet Fire
District #1
District #2
District #3, Station #1
District #3 Station #2
District #4 - Station #1
Station #4 - Station #2
Wahkiakum High School
Wahkiakum Sheriff's Office
N7WAH Radio Room WHS
Additional Info
Club Members

Emergency Management
The phone number to reach the EOC is:
Dial 360-795-6100, then enter a 1 to then enter the extension number 559 for EOC Ham station or 299 for River Street Meeting Room.
Washington State Emergency Net. This is where traffic will be passed out of the area in a disaster. They practice on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings on or near 3985.
WSEN net
Our Emergency Coordinator for Wahkiakum County is Gordon WA6TTR.
Our Assistant EC’s are Steve K7SH and Richard KC4ONA.
Call-out documents:
Our emergency frequency list
Area nets and repeaters
Here is our Amateur Radio Region 4 Homeland Security Interoperability Plan.
This plan addresses Emergency Communication for Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Wahkiakum counties.
InterAgency Agreement
Appendix A Activation Procedures
Appendix B Regional Net Protocals
Appendix C Frequency and Mode Listing
Appendix D Acronym Definitions
Map of all Emergency Regions in the state:
Homeland Security Map for WA, with Region contact info
Cowlitz County Auxiliary Communications Services has a website with a tonne of useful information for us: Cowlitz ACS
What is the difference between ARES and RACES?
Click on this link to a FAQ provided by ARRL
Emergency workers should take the online FEMA IS-100, IS-700, and IS-800 classes.
These take several hours each. At the conclusion of the class a test is given.
If passed your certificate of completion is emailed to you.
Copies of certificates should be provided to Mr. Renfro.
Here are the links to the classes …
Registration Link to take tests
IS-100, IS-200, for incident supervisors only, IS-700, IS-800
Helpful Links
Printable Forms including Radiogram and Emergency Comm Test
BeachNet Repeater System info Website
Download ARES Registration form
Download ARES Field Resource Guide
Amateur Radio Relay League (Ham info home base)
Lower Columbia Amateur Radio Club
Clark County Amateur Radio Club
In addtion to many other fine links, they have a really nice intro for new hams.
Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club (CPARN-W7BU repeater system and the lightship Columbia )
http://www.w7bu.club/ Map of CPARN Repeater Network, Gearhart to Long Beach and Cathalmet
Pacific County Amateur Radio Club
AB7F Repeater Network (I-5 corridor, Chehalis to Salem)
Wahkiakun School District Ham Club website with introductory Ham info
WARTS Net website with much Ham info
WaDiOp – Wahkiakum Digital Operations Net (proposed)
WaDiOp proposed digital net
Well written pdf explaining atmospherics and propagation
Australian Doc on propagation
Why are amateur radio operators called HAMs?
This link responds
Link to ARRL’s list of Third Party Operating Agreement countries
Current Members (2024)
AE6DI Mark
AE7RD Dave
AK9E Ron K
K7SH Steve
KC4ONA Richard
KG7WSW Sulema
KG7WSY Jerry
KI7ORU Lynette
KJ7PHT Prudence
KK7JII Margaret
N7TSM Will
W7RAK Ruth
W7WOG Steve
W7WSD Wahkiakum School Dist
WA6TTR Gordon
WR8Z Peter
Arlene (SAR)
Silent Keys:
W7CWY Budd
NU7D Randy
© 2024 Wahkiakum Amateur Radio Club | Website designed and hosted by Computer Link Northwest, LLC